Middle School Ministry

  • We believe kids need Jesus! Research indicates that a person is more likely to come to faith and have a life long relationship with Christ, if they hear the gospel and begin following Christ before the age of 18.

    In partnership with parents, our goal is to give kids meaningful opportunities to hear the gospel, learn about Jesus, and serve others missionally.

    The Haven Church confirmation program is a 3-year program starting in 6th grade and concluding at the end of 8th grade.

  • -Age appropriate lessons on Scripture and faith development.

    -Sunday worship experiences to go deeper with others.

    -Opportunities to apply faith to real-life situations.

    -An understanding of Luther’s Small Catechism.

    -A chance to plan & execute missional experiences for our church.

    -Participation in meaningful “local” service opportunities.

    -Deeper relationships with peers through adult guided small groups.

  • We follow a three year cycle:

    -The Ten Commandments, Baptism, Communion

    -Old Testament, New Testament, Grace

    -The Apostle’s Creed, Lord’s Prayer, The Gospel

    We try to include plenty of activities, worship, games, and guest speakers to help keep in fun and engaging for your children!

  • Each middle school student will be assigned to a group that is led by Christian adults and/or parents. These groups will stick together each year in the program. The group will meet together on Wednesday nights. The purpose of these meetings is to learn about attributes of being a Christ-follower, form closer friendships, and plan missional experiences together. During the year each small group will have a chance to choose a monthly missional focus for the rest of the church to follow. This might include...a volunteer experience; donations for a non-profit organization; or a way to give back to the community. The small group will then help promote and execute the missional focus for the month on Sundays before/after services and perhaps during the week if needed.

  • -A sincere effort to love God and love your neighbor.

    -Work together and participate with your mission small group.

    -Help in Sunday School/Nursery once every 6 weeks

    -A positive attitude and desire to learn.

    -Attend Wednesday night Confirmation on assigned dates, 6:15-7:30pm

    -Worship regularly with your family.

    -Complete required service projects with your small group.

  • -Ensure that your child attends on the required dates.

    -As a “startup church” be willing to step in as asked to support your child and the church.

    -Commit to attending worship with your child.

    -Help pursue a missional life and participate in church-wide

    -Ask your child about their faith, what they are learning in confirmation, and encourage their faith development.

    -Consider being a mission small group leader