Stephen Ministry

Each of us has times when we are lonely, grieving, hurt, or in need of care. In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes that when we suffer and are troubled, we find comfort through Christ (2 Corinthians 1:4–6); Our Stephen Ministers are available to provide “Christ’s care for people through people.”

What is Stephen Ministry?

“The mission of Stephen Ministry at Haven Church is to train congregation members to provide one-to-one Christian care to those who are hurting. Through emotional and spiritual care Stephen Ministers are led by God, so people can be blessed with hope and a deeper Christian faith.”

What our symbol represents.

The Stephen Minister symbol represents that all people are broken, but through care with a Stephen Minister people can receive Christ’s healing love and be made “whole”.

Who might receive care from a Stephen Minister? 

Care receivers may be experiencing a variety of difficulties in their life that are appropriate for the care of a Stephen Minister. A few examples of these needs may include:  grieving the death of a loved one, separated or divorcing, homebound, hospitalized, unemployed, adjusting to the birth of a child, or other life difficulties. 

A Care Receiver’s Testimony

“Stephen Ministry, through the Haven, was helpful to me as my Stephen Minister listened to my difficulties in a non-judgmental and caring way. Because Stephen Ministry is rooted in God’s word, I was reassured that whatever my path is, it will be what God intends for my life and my situation. I highly recommend reaching out to a Stephen Minister to walk beside you and support you in a time of hurt and confusion.”

I’d like to meet with a Stephen Minister.

As Stephen Ministers, we encourage you to take that first step towards healing. Please complete the online information below or directly contact one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders.

Rita Sperstad -

Tami Nowak -

Once you ask for a Stephen Minister; you will be contacted by a Stephen Leader for further information.

I’d like to become a trained Stephen Minister.

Being a blessing to others by giving care through Christ’s love is a beautiful mission.

If you’d like to be apart of that mission by becoming a Stephen Minister, please sign up with the link below or contact one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders.

Rita Sperstad -

Tami Nowak -

Our Stephen Ministers

From left to right: Rita Sperstad, Tami Nowak (back row)

Sue Olson, Karen McCoury, Mary Zellmer (front row)


Gracious God,

As Stephen Ministers, we pray for any of our congregation members who may be going through life difficulties and struggling alone. Bless them with the power of the Holy Spirit and give them courage to reach out and accept the loving Christian care from a Stephen Minister.

— Our Prayer